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August 13, 2009


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I have seen the film but have never read the book - your review has urged me to get it for my 'books to be read' pile. I will look out for the Vintage Classics edition.

This was my very first Greene and agree maybe its not the best way in, having said that I havent read any others so have nothing to compare to. Have heard Our Man in Havana is brilliant and a good starter.

I really liked this book yet for some reason always thought that I wouldnt. It's a smallish book that shouldnt be rushed.

So, where would you start with Greene? I haven't read anything by him yet.

What a beautiful review, and I agree with every word. For those looking for a start with Greene I would recommend The Power and the Glory or perhaps Monsignor Quixote.

Welcome to Juxtabook Bloomsbury Bell and thank you for commenting.

Simon- Agree that OMIH is an excellent place to start. You're right about rushing this book and I think it might be a book that benefit from re-reads too.

Kristen - apart from what Simon and Jenny suggest, Stambol Train maybe or Brighton Rock. BR is dark but quite action packed and compelling. It was my first Greene.

Hi jenny - thanks for those suggestions.

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