We've lots of news about CL Hawley Books in the coming weeks. Behind the scenes we're establishing a new database which should make helping you find books on the most obscure topics so much easier. From your point of view we're also launching a new website in a few weeks time which should be easier to use with a quicker checkout. Whilst we're busy with this we're combining our book of the month offer and our newsletter together in a Bank Holiday sale weekend.
We hope to have news of the new website in time for June's newsletter.
If you haven't signed up for our newsletter yet you're missing 40% off all our books this bank holiday weekend. It is not too late to sign up and you'll be able to use the code until midnight on Monday.
In other news we've a review of amazing and original Borrible trilogy on Gifted by Juxtabook and colleague Nigel Smith has written an interesting piece on publishing an ebook on the Ibooknet blog.