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Julie Grasso

I really enjoyed your review and the premise of the book is totally intriguing. Thankyou for linking it into he KidLitBlogHop. Cheers Julie Grasso


Great review and I will have to send it to my nephew (after I read it). Love the focus of your blog too -sometimes it's hard to know what books to get for this age group!
thanks for sharing with the Kid Lit blog hop! JJ


Julei and piwimama: Thank you both very much, for visiting, and for taking the time to comment.


Looks like a great book! Off to put it on our must read sheld :)Thanks for sharing on blog hop.

Stephen Bigger

Thanks for the review - am really enjoying the book and will pass it on to 9-10 year old nieces in due course.


Thanks Reshama - thank you for visiting and commenting.

Stephen - so glad you're enjoying it. I do think it is a fabulous book and I bet your nieces will love it.

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